Wednesday, April 27

chalkboard cafe table

this was one of those pieces that came together like magic in the workshop! the top was going to be for a different project, then we had a moment when we were organizing and one of us plopped the top on the base and voila!

the chalkboard top is so fun!

this is a base we picked up last year to potentially use over at the roost, but ultimately went in a different direction. and we are glad it did ;)


Gloria said...

I love it when things click. That table turned out so cute!

Suzanne@thriftstoredecorjunky said...

I love this! This is so clever. Found you over at "Adventures in Woodworking". So glad I di...

Naturally Carol said...

That's a fun idea..well done girls!

carpenter ant said...

thanks guys!

Tarot Reader said...

That is seriously cute!