a smaller version of my first
farm table- this one gets to hang in my shop for a while. yippee!

the reclaimed pine.

the table that was cannibalized for the leaf apparatus and legs. (the top was partical board with plastic laminate.... one of the few materials i take to the dump!)

the top has a wax finish, but is still waiting for the final coats.

where the table breaks for the leaf- adding another 24 inches.
I just found your blog from Nori at Love2Create and I must pop over there and thank her... you are living my dream. You are such an inspiration and I just don't have the right words to tell you how in love I am of your work. Absolutely amazing... I will definitely be visiting you on a regular basis.
Thanks so much for sharing your work and your tutorials.
I am getting a Dremel for Christmas with the intention of etching... what you do with a router... I am not that skilled with BIG tools... I figure I am safer with little tools for now... I need my fingers for my day job...LOL.
Hugs Deb
thanks so much deb! have fun with your dremel and let me know how your projects turn out!
i LOVE these "farm" tables! WHY do you have to live so far from Utha??? I would totally buy one if you were only closer! dang it!
guess you'll just have to learn to make them heather ;)
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