still working on these chairs.... 3 more with stripes... or 2 more damask and 1 more stripe... hmmm......

horseshoe trivets! this is an experiment- the paper is under a layer of epoxy, but how will it hold up to the heat? i'm going to wait for it to cure fully, and then use it for my tea pot....
have a great weekend.
Love them both...smiles.
thanks ellen!
seriously, where do you find all these awesome chairs!? am I knot looking in the right places? Maybe all the thrift stores around here just stink! Guess I need to move east. great stuff - that is one good looking table and chairs!
i got lucky with this set. i spent the entire summer searching the valley looking for a set of chairs just like this to go with the first farm table. my landlord scooped up this set for me right after i had shipped the first set off. matching chairs- more than 4- is no easy feat!
Your stuff is AMAZING!!!! Can I ask a question regarding the Epoxy that you used for the horseshoe? I'm trying to make a coaster that also needs to pass a heat test. Did you just let a layer of Epoxy glue dry to make it heat proof?
Thanks for your help
A fan,
hey mitzie, some epoxy tells you what heat they hold to. i like to use the 2 ton epoxy & it says it will hold up to 200F- should be just fine for a coaster. in fact, we used some on top of slate coasters and they came out great. just spread it as thin/ thick as you'd like and let it dry!
Thank you so much for the tip. Your stuff inspired me to make over a bedside table that I found. I painted it and because I don't have your skills, I put a decal on top and put polyurethane on top to protect it.
fun! email me a pic, i'd love to see it!
Will do!
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