the new fabulous window display- aldo's bottles (and that is not an intentional pun- just a lucky one). mostly dug locally these antique bottles are soooo lovely.

my little brothers and his sweet wife's new headboard- he built the frame/ bed, i carved the tree and she stained. what a team! it really is beautiful and i will post more pictures of the finished project.
happy halloween!
S+B always has the most artistic and beautiful windows... this one is just the latest example!
That headboard is gorgeous! What type of wood is it? How do you do your carving? Just beautiful!
What a great collaboration on the headboard....but it's all those bottles that really have me swooning. Lovely!
thanks guys! the headboard is a cedar frame with birch plywood- and i did the carving with a router and a dremel.
i love those bottles too! i have such a soft spot for them- they really bring out the collector in me!
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